About the Living with Anxiety (LwA) study 

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions in Australia that can cause significant disability and burden
An estimated three million Australians are currently living with anxiety, while one in six Australians will experience an anxiety disorder in any given year
Family and twin studies indicate an important genetic contribution to anxiety disorders

The Living with Anxiety (LwA) study aims to identify the genes that influence a person’s risk of developing anxiety and how well treatments for anxiety work. Identification of these genes will greatly advance research into the causes, treatment and prevention of anxiety

QIMR Berghofer researchers are aiming to recruit at least 5,000 Australian adults who have experienced an Anxiety Disorder at any time in their life

Study participation involves completing the core online survey (approximately 30 minutes), followed by a number of short survey modules on topics related to anxiety. These extra modules are optional

We will also ask if you are willing to let the study access some of your Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) history. This too is optional

After completing the core survey, depending on your responses you may be invited to donate a saliva sample. If so, a saliva collection kit will be sent to your preferred address, with a prepaid return envelope, allowing you to collect the sample at home at your own convenience

Your involvement in the LwA study will help us improve treatment outcomes for those living with anxiety, and importantly, contribute to further advances in mental health research

It’s important to know that your participation is voluntary

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and there will be no cost to you

If you do not wish to participate in this study, you do not have to. You should feel under no obligation to do so

Choosing not to take part in this study will not affect your current and future medical care in any way 

It’s important to know that participation in this study does not involve treatment or access to counselling

If you are living with an anxiety disorder, or experiencing distressing emotions, we encourage you to seek help

Call Beyond Blue (who provide free, confidential psychological support, 1300 224 636) or Lifeline (who provide free, confidential psychological support, 13 11 14), or talk to your doctor, local health professional, or someone you trust today

Who is funding the study? 

This project is being funded by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and has been approved by the QIMR Berghofer Human Research Ethics Committee (QIMR-HREC approval P3910)

Should you have any concerns or complaints regarding the conduct of this study, contact the Secretary to the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee at hrec.secretariat@qimrb.edu.au or 07 3362 0117